Notice to the Market – ETVG – Reinforcement works at the transmission units.

Posted in: 11/07/2014

Notice to the Market – ETVG – Reinforcement works at the transmission units.


ALUPAR INVESTIMENTO S.A. (“Company”), a publicly-held company registered at CVM under nº 2149-0, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that its subsidiary, Empresa de Transmissão de Várzea Grande S.A. – ETVG, received authorization to start reinforcement works at the transmission units under its responsibility, pursuant to Authorizing Resolution nº 4.885 of October 21, 2014 and published in the Federal Official Gazette on November 6, 2014, with investments of forty million, nine hundred, fifty-four thousand, eleven reais and twenty-six centavos (R$ 40,954,011.26).

With reinforcement works implemented, which should be completed within twenty (20) months as of the publication date of the aforementioned Authorizing Resolution, ETVG will have an additional Annual Permitted Revenue (RAP) of five million, two hundred, forty-seven thousand, four hundred, six reais and forty-six centavos (R$ 5,247,406.46).

São Paulo, November 7, 2014.

José Luiz de Godoy Pereira
Investor Relations Officer

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