Notice to the Market – Commercial Operation of the UG3 Ferreira Gomes
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Notice to the Market – Commercial Operation of the UG3 Ferreira Gomes
Notice to the Market
São Paulo, April 30, 2015, Thursday – ALUPAR INVESTIMENTO S.A. (“Company“), a publicly-held company registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) under number 2149-0, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that today its subsidiary Ferreira Gomes Energia S.A. (“Ferreira Gomes“) obtained authorization to begin the commercial operation of the third generation unit (“GU3”) of Ferreira Gomes HPP, with a capacity of 84 MW (eighty-four megawatts), and assured energy, jointly with GU1 and GU2, totalling 153.1 average MW (one hundred and fifty-three point one megawatts), pursuant to ANEEL Order 1,271 published on today’s Diário Oficial, with operational start up on the date envisaged in the Concession Agreement.
GU3 has been undergoing tests since April 10, 2015, supplying energy to the National Interconnected System (SIN) since that date, remunerated by the difference settlement prices (PLD) of the North Submarket on the energy actually generated in the period.
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