Material Fact – Acquisition of Queluz and Lavrinhas Preferred Shares
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Material Fact – Acquisition of Queluz and Lavrinhas Preferred Shares
ALUPAR INVESTIMENTO S.A. (“Companhia” or “Alupar”), a publicly-held company registered with the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) under number 2149-0, pursuant to article 157, paragraph four of Law 6404, of December 15, 1976, as amended, and CVM Instruction 358 of January 3, 2002, as amended, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, pursuant to the Material Fact published on October 1, 2013 and as a result of the execution, on October 2, 2008, of the Private Instrument for the Grant of a Call Option on Preferred Shares issued by the Company‘s subsidiaries Usina Paulista Lavrinhas de Energia S.A. (“Lavrinhas”) and Usina Paulista Queluz de Energia S.A. (“Queluz”), among Alupar, Enixe Energias e Participações Ltda. (“Enixe”) and Fundo de Investimento do Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço (“FI-FGTS”), the Company undertook the financial settlement and consequent acquisition of the following preferred shares:
(i) three million, two hundred and eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-seven (3,285,627) preferred shares issued by Lavrinhas, held by FI-FGTS, equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of all preferred shares issued, for the amount of six million, one hundred and seventy-four thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight reais and eighty-two centavos (R$6,174,678.82); and
(ii) three million, three hundred and eighty-seven thousand, nine hundred eighty-two (3,387,982) preferred shares issued by Queluz, held by FI-FGTS, equivalent to fifteen percent (15%) of all preferred shares issued, for the amount of five million, three hundred and seventy-five thousand, seven hundred and eleven reais and four centavos (R$5,375,711.04).
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