Notice to the Market – HPP Ferreira Gomes begins operations in advance
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Notice to the Market – HPP Ferreira Gomes begins operations in advance
Notice to the Market
ALUPAR INVESTIMENTO S.A. (“Company”), a publicly held company registered with the CVM under number 2149-0, informs its shareholders and the market in general that today its subsidiary, Ferreira Gomes Energia S.A. (“Ferreira Gomes”), obtained authorization to begin the commercial operation of the first generation unit of Ferreira Gomes HPP (“UG1”) with a capacity of 84 MW (eighty-four megawatts) and 71.5 average MW (seventy-one point five average megawatts) of physical guarantee, pursuant to ANEEL Order published in the “Diário Oficial” today, anticipating the startup in 56 days in relation to the expected date in the Concession Agreement, scheduled for December 30, 2014.
UG1 was under test since September 2, 2014 and has provided power to the National Interconnected System (SIN) since October 8, 2014, being remunerated by the Difference Settlement Price – PLD (North Submarket) on the energy actually generated in the period.
São Paulo, November 4, 2014
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