Notice to the Market – TNE
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Notice to the Market – TNE
ALUPAR INVESTIMENTO S.A., a publicly-held company registered with the CVM under number 2149-0, with headquarters at Avenida Doutor Cardoso de Melo, 1.855, Bloco I, 9th floor, room A, in the city and state of São Paulo, inscribed in the corporate roll of taxpayers (CNPJ/MF) under number 08.364.948/0001-38 (“Alupar” or “Company”), given the news published today concerning its subsidiary Transnorte Energia S.A. (“TNE”), responsible for the installation of a 715 km transmission line and three substations, connecting the cities of Manaus (AM) and Boa Vista (RR), hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that:
– TNE was notified on December 12, 2013 of an injunction granted by the Regional Federal Court of Amazonas suspending the procedures related to the environmental licensing of said transmission line;
– On December 17, 2013, when adjudicating the petition to suspend the injunction filed by the Federal Government and ANEEL, the First Region Federal Appellate Court lifted said injunction, allowing the immediate recommencement of the works.
The Company is certain that TNE has complied with all its legal obligations and procedures regarding the environmental licensing process with all the bodies involved.
The Company is closely motoring the matter and will keep its shareholders and the market informed of any further developments.
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