Notice to the Market – Investor Relations Officer Election
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Notice to the Market – Investor Relations Officer Election
Alupar Investimento S.A., a company registered at CVM under No. 2149-0, with headquarters in São Paulo, São Paulo, at Avenida Dr. Cardoso de Melo, 1855, Bloco I, 9º andar, sala A, entered in CNPJ/MF under No. 08.364.948/0001-38 (“Alupar”), hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general, at a meeting held today, your Board of Directors elected Mr. Marcelo Patrício Fernandes Costa to hold the position of Director of Investor Relations, replacing Mr. José Luiz de Godoy Pereira, who will keep the position of Executive Vice President and Management and Financial Director of the Company.